A Strategic Advisor provides business and technology mission orchestration for the organization, improving program execution, program/technology harmonization, enterprise transformation, workforce adoption and inclusion, and IT vendor synchronization. Clients utilizing my experience typically integrate me within the executive leadership team responsible for critical system budget management, program execution and/or IT service outcomes. Therefore, my role informs and influences outcomes associated with program mission objectives across the enterprise (not solely within IT or program units) as an instrumental function of the executive strategic planning and execution team(s).
Often mid to large sized SIs funded by program dollars derive outcomes based on well-structured project execution, inherently leveraging technology skill competency, leadership hierarchy (i.e., PMO, system designer, etc.), quality monitoring, and moderately specialized industry expertise aka “SME” (not always informed by adopting client program dependent culture, policies, and behaviors). While sound in approach and traditionally utilized by a majority of public and private clients, this approach continuously leads to execution gaps and ultimately results in technical debt, performance leakages over time, and in some cases, conclusive failure. Furthermore, large IT missions are inherently dependent on “previous experience” in system design, requirement identification, and industry knowledge leaving possibilities for business requirement oversights. Translation gaps between program/business leadership and IT are typically caused by misunderstanding of each other’s enterprise-level responsibilities and resonate loudest when system implementation on behalf of program transformation, ultimately misses budgetary goals and client-facing functional requirements. Without translation between program and IT established and ongoing, communication challenges can and will undermine the project.
Ultimately, as your Strategic Advisor, I become both a catalyst for business/IT partnership, and a cross business mediator AND translator within strategic planning through implementation to inform critical decision making from executive conceptual ideation thru final system modernization adoption. If your business experiences an inherent lack of trust, a history of misinformed requirements, budget overages, underwhelming transformation impact, constituent escalations, vendor discontinuity, project failure, and/or negative sentiment associated with large project implementations, it may simply be a case the enterprise lacks a critical resource – an independent Strategic Advisor. This asset will advise executive leadership, prevent unanticipated gaps, and manage the conjugal behavior of a complex tango between very unlike, but necessary allies (program and IT) attempting to trigger an enterprise-sized inflection point, comprised of small measurable milestones, and resulting in a complete, sustainable, resilient enterprise-wide symphony.
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